This time, new at the Hamburg Harley Days: The 2nd Hamburg State BBQ Championship and the Grill Competition for the Block House Cup.
In a truly brand-new area, grills and their grillers will be fired up on Saturday and Sunday. Here, teams with grill pros will compete for highly coveted titles.
At the State BBQ Championship on Saturday, 20 teams of 6 people each will grill their hearts out to present 4 delicious BBQ courses. The strongest teams will win substantial cash and prizes. A blind jury will decide who will be adorned with the title of Hamburg State BBQ Champion 2024. The winning grill team will be celebrated at an awards ceremony and will also be eligible to compete in the German BBQ Championship 2025.[/wr_text_block]
State BBQ Championship Saturday (June 29th)
from 12 – 4 pm
Blockhouse Cup Sunday (June 30th)
from 11 am – 3 pm[/wr_text_block]